Eating Disorder Treatment
We’re here to help you move beyond your specific causes and symptoms.
No more wasted time or appointments addressing the things you know don’t affect you. Together, we will get to the root cause and move past your specific eating disorder.
Healing is possible.
Multidisciplinary Approach
We ensure you receive well-rounded support throughout your recovery journey. Our clinicians strive to understand each individual's perspective, eliminate power dynamics, and respect their autonomy and choices as they work towards their goals; we do not have a cookie-cutter approach.
Eating disorders are characterized by distress and impairment around eating, beliefs about food, and coping mechanisms related to food consumption. We employ proven therapeutic methods, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), body acceptance, and supervised meals. We collaborate with experienced professionals, including dieticians and medical doctors to support your path to wellness. Let us surround you with the expertise and compassion you need to heal and thrive.
How We Help
Clients learn to challenge unhelpful thought patterns through CBT and develop more balanced perspectives around food, weight, and body image. DBT equips them with mindfulness techniques and emotion regulation skills essential for overcoming disordered eating behaviors. Supervised meals help clients work through, in real-time, emotions that come up with eating, and helpful support during the process.
Health At Every Size (HAES)
HAES is a movement that promotes body neutrality and values individuals regardless of their body size or type of eating disorder. We believe that individuals with eating disorders are more than just a number on a scale; they are human beings deserving of respect and compassion.
Through the HAES approach, we aim to help our clients:
Achieve body neutrality, acknowledging that their size or weight does not determine their worth.
Trust themselves and their ability to care for their physical, emotional, and mental well-being.
Find joy in purposeful movement and meaningful connections with themselves and others, breaking the cycle of isolation, guilt, and shame associated with eating disorders.
Eat without restriction, obsession, guilt, or rules, repairing their relationship with food and learning to listen to their hunger and fullness cues.
Embrace size diversity and celebrate the unique beauty of every individual.
Our ultimate goal is to empower our clients to develop a positive and sustainable relationship with food, their bodies, and themselves, enabling them to live fulfilling lives free from the constraints of eating disorders.